Ready to burn, kiln dried beautiful Beech logs.
Approx 1 cubic metre (outside dimensions) crate.
Approximately 0.8 of a stacked cubic metre of Ready To Burn fully kiln dried Beech logs.
Crate measures 83(d)x110(w)x115(h) cm externally.
Delivered by van and pump truck – needs a flat smooth surface to land it on where it can be wheeled to desired location or left outside if you care to cover the top.
Favourably priced against our barrow bags.
A crate holds approximately 5 barrow bags.
Please note that the thickness of logs will vary, there will some thicker and some thinner pieces. The crates are prepackaged so it’s not easy to take out any that may be too big although we’d be happy to swap these later as you work your way through the crate.
Delivery FOC on Fylde Coast and Preston area, call to check if unsure.
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